
May Showers!

In Uncategorized on May 1, 2012 at 3:27 pm

May has brought a small sprinkle of rain to the Manitoba heartland. Funny how a mild winter softens me up and has me expecting perfect weather from now until eternity!

May also brings the passion and excitement of the Stanley Cup playoffs to life! Our Jets missed out on the big party (much to Mr. Burnett’s chagrin), and the Maple Leafs didn’t qualify (no surprise there), but the Flyers are still alive and kicking! There’s a little room left on the bandwagon but it’s getting crowded so hurry up.

May also brings the start of soccer and baseball season. I hope as many of our students as possible have signed up for these two great summer sports. I know I’m going Monday to Thursday with my little ones. It’s one of the best times of the year! Minimal equipment, outdoor viewing and ice cream after the game… what’s not to like?

We are installing new swings at OVS this week thanks to our wonderful Parent Council. They raised funds through the Trivia Night and other activities to purchase a shiny new swingset that should serve the community well! It should be open for business this weekend so come on down and check it out!

I Love to Read Month is on!

In Uncategorized on February 6, 2012 at 3:47 pm

The students and staff at OVS are excited to be back in February because we love to read! Students will be enjoying a number of reading-related contests and challenges this month and winning great literacy-based prizes. We will be running Book Spy, Mystery reader and Guest Reader programs all month. It promises to be a lot of fun.
Please feel free to call the school with any questions.

Christmas Show Update as of 3:25 pm…

In Uncategorized on December 14, 2011 at 4:24 pm

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please be advised that as of the end of the school day it was determined that this evening’s Christmas Concert will continue as scheduled for Wednesday, December 14th at 7:00 pm. The possibility exists that this could change over the next few hours. If the weather should create unsafe driving conditions between now and 6:00 pm tonight I will notify CFRY 920AM radio in Portage la Prairie. Please listen to 920 CFRY AM radio, MIX 96.5 FM or CFRY 93.1 FM for updates. I will also update any postponements at http://www.twitter.com/ovsprincipal as soon as possible.
Please remember that the Christmas Concert is a fun and exciting night families and school staff, but it is not worth taking any unnecessary risks to attend. Each family is asked to use their own judgment and discretion before undertaking the drive to the school. If there are any concerns regarding safety, families are advised to err on the side of caution and not attend the Concert.
Thank you.

Graham Shindle
Principal, Oakville School